Sunday, December 20, 2009

Spicy Beans with Coconut Milk

Last night we made one of the easiest and most delicious good for you meals you can imagine: a spicy mix of beans, tomatoes, coconut milk over rice. Its an incredibly easy dish to make, is very good for you and provides considerable spice and tang. 

As with most delicious things you start by sautéing chopped onion, then adding garlic and then the key: red Thai curry. This is where the heat comes from so tune this part carefully. We backed off of the recipe slightly using about 1½ tablespoons of curry paste instead of the full 2 the recipe calls for. Then in goes canned beans, tomatoes, coconut milk. Along with this goes lime zest and lime juice and this is the tang that adds to the excitement.

Bring all this to a boil and let it simmer while you make the rice. When the rice is done you are ready to go. This is not only simple but has a great flow to it.

By the way, we thought the 1½ tablespoons of curry paste was pretty close to perfect. Definitely quite spicy but not overpowering.

Buvez: We tried a new Dogfishhead Imperial IPA which was wonderful.

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